So I have made plans and listed out what I need to learn and in what order. Now I need to plan how I can fit in this learning time. This means letting something else go to fit in the time to do this learning.
I am finding that I am eager to get going and I am still struggling with time. I have started the UI path training now but I am not getting as much done as I would like. So far we are still on the setup section and installing of the extensions.
I am away this weekend but once I am back I am going to have to sit down and set some time for the training so that I consistently get things done.
Next month is the wind down for our team before we start the new work, and as part of this we will be getting access to the company’s UI path training as well. Lot’s to keep me going.
Who said you can’t teach an old (not too old) dog new tricks!